About Goddess Ma'at Seba

Greetings, my name is Goddess Ma’at Seba, and I am a Motivational Healer, Reiki Master, spiritual guide, author, and facilitator. I was named after the Goddess Ma’at of Kemet (ancient Egypt), a Neter (Goddess/God) who represented the attributes of Truth, Harmony, Balance, Justice, Right Order, Reciprocity, and Universal Law. Seba, my last name, is a derivation of the Kemetian word “saba” or “sebos,” which means “teacher” or “one who teaches.”
Using “Goddess” in conjunction with my name, for me, does not denote the same meaning as the Kemetic meaning for Goddess Ma’at. Being a goddess is to be a woman who embodies the Spirit of God within herself. She has an energy and presence of love and peace all around her, and she emanates an energy of ancient wisdom. The white garment that I wear is called “GodIs Wear” by GodIs Designs.
The garments reflect the humility and Spirit of God within a woman, as well as an acknowledgment that she has been called by God to be a servant of God, irrespective of her religious beliefs. I do not identify with any specific religious persuasion; however, I do adopt the best of what they each have to offer and transcend that consciousness into an all-inclusive spiritual foundation. The name Ma’at was spiritually given to me, and I fearfully rejected it for over a year because I understood the responsibility of carrying the name of a deity, and I did not feel that I could uphold that. After a year and a half of refusing the name, I had a very mystical experience, which was a confirmation to me to accept the name. Soon thereafter, I was “tested” with a scenario that gave me the option to lie (the main attribute of Ma’at is Truth) or tell the truth. If I lied, the only person that would ever have known would be me (and God), and if I told the truth, I faced serious legal ramifications. I chose to tell the truth. As a result, everything worked out smoothly and to my benefit. I had passed my test! There have been tests since then, but none as nerve-wracking as that one. So, my name comes with a heavy responsibility, one that I do not take lightly but that I am honored to aspire to and work towards being a reflection of.
About Relationship First Aid

In life, there are several things that we all must experience; three of them are birth, death, and relating to others. Being that one of the basic human needs, other than food, shelter, and clothing, is companionship, relationships are not really looked at from the depth and level of importance with which they hold in our lives. The quest for a relationship begins at birth and extends until a person passes. Relationships not only fill emotional voids; they also define the character of those involved in the relationship. The success or failure (both are relative terms) of our relationships is a direct result of how we relate to the other person(s). Judgments and intolerance of others' opinions or beliefs (or our perceptions of them) cause discord and inharmoniousness not only in our own interpersonal relationships but also in interactions with other races, religions, and cultures. Relationship First Aid is a resource that uses spiritual principles as tools to identify and resolve the causes of unhealthy, toxic, or stressful relationships, whether it is with your mate, children, friends, co-workers, or yourself. Relationship First Aid has transformed lives (the process of changing by the application of certain structures or rules) contingent on the personal commitment of the participant as well as their consistent application of the spiritual tools and principles stated herein.